First Order Discount Introduce in Google Merchant Center
That’s great. First Order Discount feature has been added to Google Merchant Center. This is very new features and google believes it will help a business owner to get more orders and leads to more profits.
To create a promotional offer in Google Merchant Center, you can:
- Go to your Merchant Center account and click Promotions in the left navigation menu
- Click the Add promotion drop-down and select Add one by one
- On the Promotion type page, provide the following information:
Country and language
How you want to show the promotion on Google
Promotion category
Promotion type
Promotion details - Click Continue
- On the Promotion setup page, add the following information:
Promotion title and ID
Promo code (optional)
Start and end dates - Click Save
Here are some restrictions for local promotions in Google Merchant Center:
- Google reviews local promotions to ensure they comply with their policies.
- Google rejects local promotions that are specific to, or exclude any audience.
- Promotions offered only to first-time customers are allowed, as long as you state the targeting condition in the title.

Instagram is Testing Trial Reels
Instagram’s Trial Reels feature allows creators to test their content with non-followers before sharing it with their main audience:
How it works
Create a reel, then toggle the “Trial” option before sharing. The reel will only be visible to you as a trial, and won’t appear on your profile’s main grid or Reels tab.
Viewing metrics
After 24 hours, you can view engagement metrics like views, likes, comments, and shares. Instagram will also compare performance data against previous trial reels.
Sharing with everyone
If you feel your reel is performing well, you can share it with everyone to increase its reach.
Detecting strong engagement
If Instagram detects strong engagement in 72 hours, your Reel might get a wider reach automatically.
Still visible to some followers
Your reel may still be visible to some followers outside of your feed, such as if it’s shared by direct message or on a page that displays reels with the same location, audio, or filter.

In Google Ads now videos can be added to assets
Now Video can be added in assets and we can use in Google display or Pmax ads. This can be big announcement from Google end and help user lot.
Step 1: Create an in-stream video creative. To get started, create a new in-stream video creative in your campaign or advertiser-level “Creatives” tab. …
Step 2: Add video assets. Follow the steps below to traffic a creative with a single video asset. …
Step 3: Edit video settings. …
Step 4: Preview your video.